Going Green

Here at the Benicia Office of Economic Development, we are happy to help you find resources to help you move your business forward with sustainability in mind. We encourage you to contact us. Below we have provided a list of programs and services currently available to provide you with a starting point. 

Recycling Marketed Development Zone (RMDZ)



The Recycling Market Development Zone is a state-designated zone. The purpose of the program is to encourage new product development from recyclable materials that decrease waste to landfills. Visit the Solano EDC website for more information.

California Green Business Network


The California Green Business Network leads the state and nation in working with small to medium sized businesses to create a vibrant green economy. You'll find ways to save money, create a healthy environment for your employees and make a difference in your community. Visit their website for more information.

Solano Energy Watch


Solano Energy Watch is a collaboration between the County of Solano, Solano EDC, and PG&E providing no-cost energy efficiency information and services to small and medium sized businesses of Solano County who are PG&E customers. Visit their website for more information.

California Energy Commission



Energy Innovations Small Grant Program - The Energy Innovations Small Grant (EISG) Program provides up to $150,000 for hardware projects and $75,000 for modeling projects to small businesses, non-profits, individuals and academic institutions to conduct research that establishes the feasibility of new, innovative energy concepts.

Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program - The California Energy Commission's Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program (ARFVTP) is a competitive grant program that provides up to $100 million annually towards innovative transportation and fuel technologies that help California meet its energy, clean air, and climate-change goals.

California Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank (IBank) CLEEN Center


IBank established the California Lending for Energy and Environmental Needs (CLEEN) Center to offer financing that helps achieve the State's greenhouse gas reduction goals and increase market confidence in green investing.

The California Alternative Energy & Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA)

The CAEFTA works collaboratively with public and private partners to provide innovative and effective financing solutions for California's industries. They assist in reducing the State's greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the development and deployment of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and advanced transportation and manufacturing technologies to reduce air pollution, conserve energy, and promote economic development and jobs. 

Cool California


The Cool California Funding Wizard can help find grants related to energy efficiency upgrades and rebates, with a particular emphasis on sustainable and environmentally-friendly business practices.   

US EPA Smart Steps To Sustainability


Develop a sustainability plan specifically for your small business needs. Move beyond environmental compliance and into sustainable practice. Click here for more information.