Key Contacts
The following is a guide to City Departments, utilities and local business organizations. Each has its specialty and we encourage you to reach out and connect to see how they can help your business thrive.
City of Benicia
Mario Giuliani, City Manager 707.746.4289
Jason Hade, Planning Manager 707.746.4277
Rachel O'Shea, Chief Building Official 707.746.4233
Kyle Ochenduszko, Public Works Director 707.746.4240
Michael Greene, Chief of Police 707.746.4265
Josh Chadwick, Fire Chief 707.746.4275
Jeff Tschudi, Finance Director 707.746.4222
PG&E 800.448.4743
Marin Clean Energy 888.632.3674
Local Business Organizations
Randy Young, Executive Director/CEO 707.745.2120
Nancy Martinez, Executive Director 707.745.9791
Solano Economic Development Corporation
Robert Burris, President 888.864.1855
Solano Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
Ann Johnson-Stromberg, Interim Solano SBDC Director 707.646.1071
Solano Recycling Market Development Zone
Narcisa Untal, Senior Planner County of Solano 707.784.3172
Solano Association of Realtors
Jesse Payne, Executive Director 707.644.5525 x113
John Pierson, President 707.449.8044
Solano Napa Builders Exchange
Robert J. Connors Membership/Marketing 707.255.2515