May 11 Webinar for Solano County

Robert Eyler, PhD, will present a Solano County Economic Update webinar hosted by Solano County Economic Development Corporation on Monday, May 11, 10:30 a.m. With the rapidly changing COVID landscape and lifting of some restrictions on the horizon, Eyler's next presentation will have new information, even if you attended the City of Benicia's April 28 webinar. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Webinar with Robert Eyler, Ph.D.
Monday, May 11 at 10:30 a.m.

Robert Eyler, Ph.D. is a much sought-after keynote speaker who brings economics “down to earth.” He connects the impact of global events to our neighborhoods. Most recently Dr. Eyler has talked on the economic impact of and recovery from devastating business interruptions, such as COVID-19 and the destructive wildfires in northern California. Dr. Eyler was also the lead consultant for Moving Solano Forward. He prepares the Solano County Index and is an annual speaker with the Solano Economic Development Corporation.

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